The New Dimensions Physical Therapy physical therapists are all specially trained. Together, we have taken numerous courses with emphasis on the spine, sacrum, coccyx, pelvic floor muscles and general chronic pain management. Our diverse backgrounds create the perfect environment for healing. While these courses are above and beyond the normal physical therapy curriculum, the dedication of our therapists is unparalleled. In addition, your treatment is overseen by Lila Abbate and feedback is given to all therapists regarding each patient's care and treatment.
Low Back Pain/Sacral Dysfunction
Low back pain is extremely complicated. In the old days, it was thought that bed rest was the best way to treat low back pain. Now we have a better understand low back pain and realize that we must think of hydration of the disc, postural alignment, appropriate muscle firing and finally, look at the strength and length of the muscles. The physical therapists at New Dimensions Physical Therapy take extra time to check the biomechanics of the position of the bones and their relationship to each other. This can be overlooked, but may be the basis of the patient's pain and dysfunction. If one of the pelvic bones becomes misaligned, it will have an effect up the chain and create low back pain. Our therapists use the Hesch Method to normalize pelvic alignment and Strain Counter-Strain on the low back muscles that can help normalize abnormal low back muscle tone with quicker results. We also use muscle-energy techniques and other osteopathic techniques. Quick thrust manipulation may be needed to realign the joints and pelvis.

Pelvic Dysfunction
Physical Therapists who specialize in pelvic floor dysfunction treat a variety of issues that concern women, men and children. However, pelvic dysfunction can have many meanings and symptoms for different patients. While not typical dinner-table conversation, most patients suffer in silence or only in the trust of their doctors and feel they have nowhere to turn. Whether you are suffering from urinary or fecal incontinence, chronic constipation or some type of pelvic pain, our physical therapists are here to treat you and teach you ways to help manage or resolve your symptoms.

Coccyx Pain
It is rare to find medical professionals who specialize in coccyx dysfunction. We have a great understanding of the coccyx and its relation to pain free sitting. Dr. Lila Abbate, Doctor of Physical Therapy, at New Dimensions Physical Therapy has developed a technique for distracting and correcting the alignment of the coccyx. It is based on the Jenny McConnell technique that is commonly used for stabilizing the patella (kneecap) or shoulder joints and similar tapes like kinesiotape, which was used on the 2008 Olympic athletes to prevent injury.
In this case, the McConnell tape is used; a white latex-free elastic underwrap, and a highly adhesive brown adhesive tape, which creates and holds tension. The white tape is applied first to protect the skin and the brown tape is then applied to hold the joint in position. In the case of coccyx dysfunction, the tape is used to better position the coccyx and gives the muscles a prolonged, indirect stretch. The brown tape is applied while pulling upwards in an attempt to distract the coccyx from its flexed position. An additional piece of tape (not shown) can pull the coccyx either toward the right or the left, should it be deviated or pull to one side. Generally, the tape is worn for 2 - 3 days before it overstretches and becomes ineffective.

Dr. Abbate has applied this method to a number of patients. If the tape works, she tells the patient to buy the tape will teach a family member to help them apply it. Over time, the muscles that are pulling the coccyx out of position stretch out and relax. The taping is used concurrently with internal and external physical therapy manual techniques that are used to change the position of the coccyx and stretch and normalize the surrounding muscles.
Chronic Constipation
When patients come to New Dimensions Physical Therapy, they are astounding to hear that physical therapy can help relieve symptoms of chronic constipation. Believe it or not, your chronic constipation can be as simple as stemming from an abdominal scar from when you were age 10 or an old cesarean scar. It can also be caused from tightness within your pelvic floor muscles. If they become too tight, it is difficult to allow those muscles to completely relax for defection, or patients will unknowingly close tighten the muscles which will not allow for the defecation process. Physical therapists are able to objectively determine the function of those muscles using biofeedback and manual techniques.

Pregnancy / Post-Partum

Pelvic health therapists specialize and take extra continuing education about special conditions along with pelvic muscle training (up- or down-training). Seeking the care of the women’s health or pelvic health physical therapist can be of great benefit in your life. Several visits can make a huge change in how you feel, can reactivate muscles that forgot how to work and can change compensations of inappropriate muscle firing throughout your body. You are worth the investment.
There is nothing is “normal” or “easy” about being pregnant. A baby grows inside your body moving your organs all around and mainly upward, your ribs expand significantly, your breasts engorge, your upper body posture changes. Below the waist, pelvic organ descent can cause low back and sciatic pain, in addition to hip and knee alignment changes and swelling feet. From the point of view of a pelvic health physical therapist, every pregnant woman should be seen by a pelvic health PT for at least 4 visits post-partum to help correct the body and normalize its state after the journey of pregnancy.
Without a doubt, it is 100% worth it, but there is a gaping lack of information guiding the pregnant and post-partum woman on how to take care of her own body.
One of the most common complaints of post-partum women is urinary incontinence. Whether it resolves within a few weeks or months, some women are resigned to live with these symptoms. Urinary incontinence is not a normal part of being post-partum, nor is it a normal part of the aging process.